Oct 1, 2008

Hump Day Happiness

Time to take a few minutes and reflect on the things I'm grateful for today!

1) My husband's home-roasted coffee
2) Finally seeing the sun after a long, dreary week of rain
3) The simple luxury of using rosemary-scented hand soap
4) My neighbor's chickens
5) The fantastic dynamics and energy of the Arts in RI team

Comment and let me know what's making you happy lately!


  1. 1. My husband. He has surpassed them all this week.

    2. New beginnings. Recalibration, retooling, the chrysalis experience. I am so happy about this season in my life, I literally wept for joy just sitting in traffic today. Ridiculous.

    3. Beautiful, inspiring, encouraging friends, family & bloggers.

    4. My free pound of coffee per week, courtesy of my new part-time side gig.

    5. The new little kitten who has come into our lives with perfect timing and spunk just as we said farewell to our dear cat of 17 years.

    6. Faith. Some days it's as small as a mustard seed, but it keeps me grounded and full of hope.

  2. What beautiful things to be happy about, Melissa!!

  3. Thanks, Diana! I love your work and your site and have kept up with it for awhile now, so I figured I should come out from the shadows and let you know just that! :)


Thank you for sharing your thoughts!