Jan 16, 2012

So Love, Love, Love

As you can tell, I'm continuing to practice with and be inspired by words.  Lately, those words have been from the Islamic poet Hafiz.  My mother introduced me to him when telling me about the book "Love Poems from God: Twelve Sacred Voices from the East and West".  His poems on love are rich in natural imagery and have such an incredible sense of peace to them. 

Do you have any favorite words to share?


  1. I have been thinking about inspiring quotes recently. You know the one that says what doesn't kill you makes you stronger? I think it's wrong. It should be "What doesn't kill you does not make you stronger. What doesn't kill you lets you see the strength you had all along." I'm sure there are some good images that would go along with that.

  2. That is so, so true, Karen! I may just have to make a graphic just for you, with that saying.

  3. Beautiful quote and image!

  4. Thanks, I've really been enjoying reading Hafiz!


Thank you for sharing your thoughts!