Mar 25, 2008

More Natural History

Here are two more photographs from the Denison Pequotsepos Nature Center for you to enjoy! I need to cut myself off and go to bed now. The rest will have to wait!

Wise Owl

Chickadee Eggs


  1. I love the Nature museum photos but I especially loved the eggs. Something so perfect about the box of eggs, the colors, the shape, all of it.
    Read through your blog (and thanks for the hello on mine!) and was so pleased to note your mom - I am a children's librarian as well as a writer, and I love her work. You are both so talented.

  2. Thanks so much! My mother worked at a library for a while, but now has "retired" to write and teach a correspondence class for aspiring authors.

    Have you read my mom's books?


Thank you for sharing your thoughts!