May 19, 2009

Let's Get Technical - Podcast Schedule

Hello all! As I mentioned yesterday, I've been working on the "Let's Get Technical" podcast series. Over the next several weeks, I'll be posting six podcasts on some of the technical basics of photography. The first installment will go up later today, so keep an eye out!

Here's the schedule:
Podcast Series: Let's Get Technical

Week 1: The Bells & Whistles (overview of the parts of a camera)
Week 2: F-Stop & Aperture
Week 3: Shutter Speed
Week 4: ISO/Film Speed
Week 5: Light Stops/Exposure
Week 6: Q&A and Series Wrapup

You'll notice that Week 6 includes a question & answer component. So, if you have questions about anything I cover during the first 5 weeks, please leave a comment!

Ok, I'm off to finish up Week 1's podcast. Have a great morning, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I am very excited for this series! I just got my first SLR camera and I have no idea what I'm doing.

    I wish I could say that's because I haven't read the manual yet. But that would make my pants light up.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts!