Jul 12, 2011

Squash Madness Season

It's that time of year, those few weeks where we desperately try to fit summer squash and zucchini into every meal. Where we beg random neighbors passing by to "Please take some home!" It's glorious, and by the end of July I will be thoroughly sick of squash.

This is squash harvest #2. On Friday we picked 6 or 8 squash. I picked 14 of them today, including that behemoth zucchini on the left there. There were at least 3 more in the garden that were ready to pick, but were small enough to leave on the vine for one more day.

Some of these will be going into work with the husband, in the hopes of pawning them off on his co-workers. Some of them will be dinner tonight, as Zucchini and Corn Tacos. (Which will go really well with icy cold Basil Gimlets.) As for the rest, I'm not sure yet. Any ideas?

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