Dec 8, 2011

How to Create Peace During the Holiday Rush

Hello dear ones! I hope your December has been lovely so far, and that any holiday preparations are joyful rather than stressful.

For me and for others who sell at holiday art shows, this time of year can be especially hectic.  I learned the hard way (stress led me to anxiety) how important it is to make time for peace and joy during this holiday season.  And really, isn't that what this time of year is supposed to be about... peace and joy?

We all have obligations at this time of year, but let's reclaim the holiday season as a time for rejoicing, for experiencing awe and wonder, for being at peace with each other and with ourselves.  Here are some wonderful ways to feel the joy...

Sandi Amorim of Deva Coaching has some fantastic self-care tips here: 25 Breaks to Energize You

Susan Piver provides some amazing insights and guided meditations through her Open Heart Project.

Operation NICE listed some great ways to make a stranger smile.

Consider (and implement) ways to simplify your holiday season, or even go giftless, as Leo Babauta suggests on :zenhabits.

Or just spend some time, hot mug of tea or cocoa in your hand, curled up under a favorite blanket, sitting quietly and reflecting on something that brings you joy this time of year, like festive lights or calming Christmas music.  That's what I intend to do this afternoon :-)

1 comment:

  1. Nice links.
    Good luck with everything, I am empathising as it is rather hectic here too right now ..... But nothing that cannot be cured with a little stop and a nice laugh!


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